We love data!

Let us wrangle it for you!

Data visualizations

A picture is worth a thousand words. We can help you make sense of even the most complex datasets using intuitive and innovative, static, dynamic or interactive visualizations with web applications. Data exploration starts here!


If you need to understand your data quantitatively, make statistical inferences and test hypotheses, we are here to help you. We can provide descriptive and cutting-edge inferential statistics using Bayesian and frequentist approaches, and provide you with all the documentation for reproducibility and transparency.

Machine learning

We use Classification and Regression Trees (CaRT), supervised and unsupervised machine learning for semi-automated pattern recognition, including habitat classification and image analysis. Let us help you find generalizable predictive patterns in your dataset using this exciting approach.

Spatial analysis and GIS

Proficient in ArcGIS, QGIS and a range of spatial analytic packages of R and Python we offer full solutions to your geographic information problems. From deciphering migration patterns of wild fauna, to characterizing land use change, finding the ideal slope for a ski resort, or modeling the dispersal of a flood plume, we can help you make sense of your spatial data.


With over 14 years of academic experience in genomic research, we offer our services in molecular/genomic data analysis, innovative visualizations and statistics. Whether it is whole genomes, RAD sequencing data or microbial profiling, we can help you with your research needs using reproducible markdowns and HPC workflows.

Drone mapping

We are a licensed drone mapping and videography company (CASA.ReOC.8030) with expertise in terrestrial and marine habitat mapping, aerial and underwater surveying, photogrammetry and aerial photography/videography. We can undertake surveying and mapping projects from design to data analysis and presentation for you.

Please also check out our sister company for drone mapping and videgraphy: